Making Bold Moves

by Web Admin, 3 years ago

Let the past give you courage for what God can do in the present.

Today's Scriptures from:  Psalm 23

Are you ready to make a bold move?

That statement looks attractive on paper and feels good to say out loud. It reminds us of every movie where the underdog gets the courage to ask out the most popular girl in school. It’s the dream of every overworked and underappreciated employee.

Like many parts of life, bold moves are easier to talk about and dream about than to do. Because unlike the character on the big screen, our bold moves have real-life consequences.

Most of our fears come from not knowing what will happen. We might have to go through a dark valley to get to quiet waters and green pastures (Psalm 23:1-4). So instead, we play it safe. We do what is expected. We take the path of least resistance because the idea of making bold moves overwhelms us.

The problem is that the life of faith is not always comfortable. Jesus saves us and invites us into a new way of living and seeing the world (Matthew 4:19). He didn’t die so we would stay the same. When we commit to following Jesus, we’re inviting Him to teach us how to change.

Following Jesus can lead us to hard things. David, the writer of Psalm 23, reminds us that even though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we don’t have to fear. God is with us. He is guiding us and working through us. He will give us all we need.

Part of what makes a move bold is that it takes faith. We take a step not knowing what will happen but knowing we can trust God to meet us there. We make bold moves because we have the mover of mountains by our side.


  • What is one thing that has held you back from taking a step of faith?
  • What is one bold move you would make if you knew nothing was holding you back?

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