Chinese Whispers

by Web Admin, 3 years ago

More times than not its meaning changed completely.

Today's Devotional by:  L.Bailey


“As the Lord commanded His servant Moses, so Moses commanded Joshua, and Joshua did it; he left nothing undone of all that the Lord commanded Moses.” ‭‭Joshua‬ ‭11:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Did you ever play Chinese Whispers as a child? This is where you sat in a line and one person started out with a message.

They would whisper it to the person next to them, who would then whisper it to the person next to them, and so on and so forth until the message made it to the end of the line. The last person would then say what they heard the message to be.

It was always funny to hear how the original message had turned out. More times than not its meaning changed completely and the original statement was barely recognisable.

This is a good example of how gossip changes the story too. As a message about someone is passed along the line it can often change completely as people hear incorrectly or put their own spin on the situation.


When God had an important message for Moses He told him directly. But when Moses was no longer able to fulfil God’s call he passed it on to Joshua.

This could be an interesting message through Chinese whispers, but it was carried with care and precision. In fact, the Bible says Joshua “left nothing undone of all that the Lord commanded Moses.”

‭‭We have been given some clear messages from the Bible too. They are not always easy to fulfil and they may seem overwhelming – as it would have been for Joshua when he faced such huge enemies – but he followed God’s call and claimed God’s victory.

May we hear clearly from God for our own lives, too, and not change the message to suit our desires.  May we stay firm in the path set before us.


Lord, speak to us. May we hear the clear message You have for us. And although the challenges may seem large, may we stand in our trust of You to conquer what may lay ahead. Amen.

What is the message God is giving to you?

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