A Two-Fold Mission

by Web Admin, 3 years ago

If I asked, “What’s the mission of the church?” How would you answer?

Today's Devotional By:  Dr. Charles Stanley

Today's Scriptures:   Matthew 28:19-20

Perhaps you would think of the Great Commission—to go and make disciples of all nations (Matt. 28:19). And you’d be right. Yet the very next verse contains an equally important part: “teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.”

We have a gospel of salvation to share with the world and a responsibility to help believers grow in truth and obedience.

The church’s purpose includes evangelism and discipleship. We have a gospel of salvation to share with the world and a responsibility to help believers grow in truth and obedience.

So, who is expected to carry out this two-fold mission? A lot of people assume the task falls squarely on the pastor’s shoulders. Certainly, he has a primary role and should set an example. But every Christian in the church is responsible, too. Some of you are more passionate and gifted in presenting the gospel, whereas others’ strength is in helping fellow believers to grow in Christ.

Evangelism is often well understood, but you might wonder, What’s involved in discipleship? Think of it as simply sharing with a fellow believer what you’ve learned in the Word and applied in your life. Or as answering questions from a biblical mindset, which reveals God’s viewpoint on an issue.

Discipleship is an awesome and rewarding responsibility. But to help others mature, we ourselves must have continual spiritual nourishment. This month’s devotions are a great resource for daily growth. And sharing what you discover is the way to begin discipling others.

Credits & Acknowledgments to:  intouch.org