Hearing Us from Heaven

by Web Admin, 2 years ago

Hear from heaven their prayer and their plea. - 1 Kings 8:45

Today's Devotional By:  P. Raybon

Today's Devotional Scriptures:   1 Kings 8:37–45

At eighteen months old, little Maison had never heard his mother’s voice. Then doctors fitted him with his first hearing aids and his mom, Lauryn, asked him, “Can you hear me?” The child’s eyes lit up. “Hi, Baby!” Lauryn added. A smiling Maison responded to his mother with soft coos. In tears, Lauryn knew she’d witnessed a miracle. She’d given birth to Maison prematurely after gunmen shot her three times during a random home invasion. Weighing just one pound, Maison spent 158 days in intensive care and wasn’t expected to survive, let alone be able to hear.

That heart-warming story reminds me of the God who hears us. King Solomon prayed fervently for God’s attuned ear, especially during troubling times. When “there is no rain” (1 Kings 8:35), during “famine or plague,” disaster or disease (v. 37), war (v. 44), and even sin, “hear from heaven their prayer and their plea,” Solomon prayed, “and uphold their cause” (v. 45).

In His goodness, God responded with a promise that still stirs our hearts. “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chronicles 7:14). Heaven may seem a long way off. Yet Jesus is with those who believe in Him. God hears our prayers, and He answers them.


It’s interesting to note the “funnel of contexts” in 1 Kings regarding Solomon’s temple. At the top—the broadest context—is the account of the dedication of the temple (7:51–9:9). Down one layer is Solomon’s speech (8:12–61). The final layer is the prayer of dedication (vv. 22–53), where Solomon rehearses the circumstances in which God is bound by His covenant with His people to act on their behalf.

Reflect & Pray

What troubling situation can you pray about today, believing God is hearing you from heaven? What help from God can you thank Him for because He hears your plea?

Heavenly Father, during my toughest struggles and troubles, I thank You for hearing my humble cry.

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