Everyday Disciples

by Web Admin, 3 years ago

Let our people also learn to maintain good works, to meet urgent needs, that they may not be unfruitful. —Titus 3:14

ODB Devotional By:  V. Grounds

Today's Scripture & Insight:  1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

When I am asked how I’m doing as a man in his eighties, I reply, “My life moves along contentedly in well-worn grooves.” As I observe my friends and neighbors around me, I realize that most of them are also following a basic routine. Although not trapped on a treadmill, they are working at their jobs, raising families, and serving in their churches. There’s nothing necessarily heroic or exciting about their lives, nor is there about mine.

This reminds me of the response of the astute American statesman Bernard Baruch when asked who he thought was the greatest personality of our age. With great wisdom at age 94 he said: “The fellow who does his job every day. The mother who has children and gets up to get them breakfast, keep them clean, and send them off to school. The fellow who keeps the streets clean. . . . The unknown soldiers—millions of them.”

The apostle Paul also emphasized the importance of faithfulness in everyday life. He urged his fellow believers to settle down, lead a quiet life, and provide for their own families (1 Thessalonians 4:11; 1 Timothy 5:8).

Most of us are ordinary Christians who live routine lives. Yet, our extraordinary God wants all of us to be everyday disciples who are faithful  and fruitful.  May it be so!  

Reflect & Pray

Lord, help me to follow Jesus,
To obey Him day by day,
To be His faithful disciple
And please Him in every way. —Fitzhugh

Credits & Acknowledgements to:  Our Daily Bread (odb.org)